Long Gaming - Part 4: What Happened To The Hands And Feet of Jesus?

Samantha and Don discuss what it really means to be a Christian in Part 4. Part of long-gaming involves understanding that we all have our crosses to bear in life and if we are to be "like Jesus" in all ways, we are going to go through some hard times. The hands and feet of Jesus involve the messy parts of life, but sometimes we only want the "happy" parts of Jesus.
Samantha and Don discuss what it really means to be a Christian in Part 4.  Part of long-gaming involves understanding that we all have our crosses to bear in life and if we are to be "like Jesus" in all ways, we are going to go through some hard times.  The hands and feet of Jesus involve the messy parts of life, but sometimes we only want the "happy" parts of Jesus.
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